PERTAHARA Expansion to Malang & Purbalingga

HARA AgriTech
2 min readDec 15, 2021

We’ve heard you!

PERTAHARA is a crowd planting project initiated by HARA as an effort to promote gender equality in the form of increasing the role of women in Indonesian agriculture. to improve the economy of farmers, PERTAHARA is also addressing issues of poverty and inequality by creating more job prospects for women through the use of their existing resources. Bojonegoro has been the first place for the development of PERTAHARA involving recruitment of 238 female farmers and 6 agripreneurs, and now as for the next step PERTAHARA decided to expand their project to Malang and Purbalingga based on both cities’s strategic location and suitable land for farming.

PERTAHARA at Bojonegoro during their Ginger-harvest season

In Bojonegoro, PERTAHARA is focused on planting ginger as its main commodity which succeeded in planting around 85 thousand seeds. With its expansion to Malang and Purbalingga it is hoped that the project could increase the farmer’s economy in those cities, moreover PERTAHARA also plans to help female farmers even further and their families by increasing their allowance through this project.

As an introduction phase PERTAHARA will be starting with the recruitment of 40 female farmers from Malang (15) and Purbalingga (25) to kick start the program. This recruitment will be followed by distributing in total of 16 thousand corn and ginger seeds for both cities (Malang 12.500 seeds, Purbalingga 3.500 seeds).

PERTAHARA at Purbalingga has received polybags that contains ginger seeds & soil

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HARA AgriTech
HARA AgriTech

Written by HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.